Wilson Alexia - what's the competition

The critics seem to love it, but what's the crowd's view vs. competition probably Focal Maestro Utopia, Vivid Giya, etc?

And has anyone heard this without the cost no object slew of electronics and cables that Wilson uses at shows? The Stereophile show report listed these $45k speakers being shown with about $350k worth of electronics and cables...the cables were well over twice the price of the speakers! Anyone heard them with slightly more humble accompanying kit?
I replaced my EA MM3's with the Alexia's. The other speakers I've heard and compared them to are the Focal Maestro, Q5, ISIS, Rockport and G1 Giya.
I felt the Alexia's were the best of all with the least compromises.
One of the reasons I chose Alexia was Peter McGrath played some of the masterings I did for him. That sold me!
I would also include the Vandersteen 7's in that list. When set up properly they disappear like no other speaker I have heard. I have not heard the Alexia but I have heard the Sasha and while it is a nice speaker I personally prefer the Vandersteen 7's or the 5A's to any Wilson I have heard. You also don't need to break the bank to power them. The new Ayre AX-5 integrated with a QB-9 and your computer make a killer system.
I also like the Vandersteen 7 over the Wilson speakers. I haven't heard the Alexia but I have heard all the others. I'm really surprised more people don't buy the Vandersteens over the Wilsons.
I would also include any of the YG Acoustics speakers. To me, they out perform the Wilsons and Magicos in there price ranges. Would like to hear the Vandy 5a carbon, I really like the 7.
The Vandersteen 7 is lower distortion, therefore much purer sounding. Lower grain, less "spit", less coarseness in the mids, clearer bass.

That's without mentioning infinitely more room tunable due to the very adjustable bass EQ. One of the greatest speakers ever made.

Disclosure: though I have had pretty extensive experience with them I am not a dealer, do not own them, and have no financial connection. I owned several state of the art speakers already before I heard what the 7s could do.

Either the Vandersteen 7s are way underpriced or all the $100k+ speakers are overpriced.