Small Speakers For A Large Room...

I'm about to move my system into a much larger room - ~4,000 cu feet - but for domestic tranquility (I love my wife far more than my music) will need to keep the speakers on the small side. What options are out there in a large stand mount or slender floor standing speaker that work well in large room? I don't listen very loud, and will have a separate powered subwoofer, but mains that visually dominate the room are not an option for me.

If you know of small-ish speakers that sound large, I'd appreciate some suggestions!
Doc77, I think Srosenberg has a right to know your affiliation with Vapor.
95% of your posts are cheer leading Vapor and you have stated you would be promoting at RMAF on the Vendors who post thread.
Evolution Acoustics Micro Ones. If you're unfamiliar with them there's a lengthy thread further down that's worth checking out. I own them and love them!!
OHM Walsh 3000 or 5000 are designed for a room that size. They have smallish footprint like monitors but are floorstanding so no stands needed. WAF is very good if the style in general is not an issue. They will fill the room with sound. I'd recommend a good 250w/ch or more CLass D amp for best results, also very small, efficient and good WAF. Wyred4Sound, DSonic, Bel Canto are just a few of the amp vendors worth consideration. I use Bel Canto ref1000m monoblocks with my similar OHMs and performance is absolute top notch.
Linn Akurate 212. When paired with a good sub dialed in just right, the 212's deliver big time. And, in any event, which ever monitors you choose, if you go with a monitor/sub combination, consider using a crossover, to take the bass burden off the monitors and let them do what they do best; and let the sub do likewise. Contrary to conventional wisdom, a monitor/sub combo done right can be sublime.
One of the things to consider in a large room is, unless you listen nearfield, most of the sound that reaches your ears will be reverberant sound. So the speaker's off-axis performance will play a larger role in the perceived tonal balance than you're probably used to.

Unfortunately, most small speakers are designed to be listened to up close, like in a small room, so the designer probably paid more attention to the on-axis sound than to what's happening off-axis. But if the radiation pattern is fairly uniform (doesn't have major off-axis flares and valleys), that's bodes well for good sound in a large room.

Another potential issue is maintaining good dynamic contrast. Speakers have to play louder to do a decent job of filling a large room, and as they play louder their voice coils heat up, and that in turn causes thermal compression which reduces their dynamic contrast. For a high fidelity application, I like to have speakers that can hit the anticipated peaks at about 1/10th their rated long-term power handling. That gets harder to do with small speakers, which typically have more modest power handling to begin with, and then trade off efficiency for bass extension.

Your secret weapon here is your decision early on to use subwoofers. This frees you up to seek out satellite speakers that may only go down to 80 Hz or so, but they will generally be higher efficiency than same-size speakers that go down deeper. Of course you don't "need" as much headroom as I described above, but imo good dynamic contrast contributes a lot to the experience. So don't seek out satellites that have a lot of bass extension you don't need, because you'll be paying a penalty in efficiency - and thus most likely in dynamic contrast - for that surplus low end.
