Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass

Hi Eufrodites' users,

Can anyone help me with solving a serious issue of boomy bass?
Speakers are about 7 months old.

Do they still need time to break in?
Room acoustics? at first I thought so but the boominess is even at very low levels of sound.
I play them mostly with Jadis JA100 and the Sati 520b from Horning too. Boominess is on both setups.

Help!!!! There's nothing more annoying than boomy bass. I just can't enjoy music anymore.

Have you considered it may be speaker-room interaction?
Acoustic bass traps may solve your problem.
These speakers can generate significant bass energy, how large is your room?
Thanks Charles1dad,

Yap, that possibility of course has crossed my mind.
My room is about 5.5X7.5X3.0 meters.
Speakers are about 3m apart, 60 cms from the back wall and my listening spot is about 3 meters out.

I can also say that in the listening spot the issue is smaller although bass should be tighter. Outside of the spot, the bass is really annoying to my ears and as music is on a lot in the house, it's bothering.

Most of the bass issue is coming from the left side of the room.
The problem with bass traps is that my system is in a family living room and I already hijack a good portion of the room for my musical purposes, adding bass traps can make me even less popular with my dear ones.

Thoughts welcome.
Try Not to sit to close to the back wall. About 2m/7ft away from the back wall.
No doubt you have them placed a good distance from the rear and side walls and of course as required with all horns you surely have a large room.