fair price for Avant Garde Duo 2.2

Can Audiogon members suggest what they think would be a fair price to ask for my pair of Avant Garde 2.2 speakers? They are a demo pair I bought from an audio store in Illinois and so I have been the only owner. I have new neighhbors in the neighboring condo next to mine and so my days of enjoying the full potential of these great speakers is over.
i've heard duos and they play great quiet and loud. still see no reason for swap. i'd get headphones in addition and will get chances to listen to duo's fairly as well.
I'd hold on to them unless you're in financial need. Yes, your neighbors have lives and needs; but so do you and they can;t expect you to change your lifestyle just to accommodate their schedule. I mean, no one wants to be the ass-next-door, but you have the right to enjoy your music during normal hours (i.e., before noise ordinances kick in). As long as you're being reasonable and showing that you're trying to take your neighbors into consideration, right?

It's not your fault they have odd sleeping hours.