Klipsch Cornwall III with Bryston 4B SST2 / BP17 ?

I have the opportunity to put these together. My thinking is that it won't be good match but was wondering if anyone has had the experience of hearing these together. Any input would be great
There`s no harm in trying this combination and just listen and decide. Everthing I`ve ever read or heard about these speakers suggest low-moderate power tube amplifiers are a much better direction to go. It does not seem your amp will give the best this speaker has to offer.
As a past owner of the Cornwall and the Khorn, I would also agree that your best bet is a lowish watt tube amp. IMHO, SS and high power are not a good match for these speakers. They will surely be on the bright side and you'll want to end you're listening secessions early.
I agree with Elevick. I power my III's with Parasound SS and like the results very much. I bought it after an A-B comparison with a very good tube amp. I'm also a musician who loves accuracy and the sound of "live" music. To each his own, but to my ears too many tube amps mute (dumb down) the highs in music. Might add that I'm not anti-tubes. My Hammond B-3 uses a 122 Leslie which contains a great tube amp. Most tubes, however, don't work for me when it comes to reproducing sound. These are generalizations and YMMV. Cheers to all!
Hey Jamo1, try it, and if you don't like it, try another speaker. I run my JBL S4700s (which have horn compression drivers for the mids/highs) with a Bryston amp and preamp, and the results aren't too bad at all. What you might wanna try is tubes on the mids/highs and the Bryston on the woofers. That could very well be the ticket. Also, the JBLs are rated up to 300 W, and to get those woofers moving you need power, imo. I'm not too familiar with Klipsch so I can only go by specs. According to Klipsch, it can handle 400 W peaks, so the Bryston would be ok. You probably wanna put them on stands since they're only 35" tall.
Thanks all for the responses. I purchased the Bryston to go with some other speakers (still waiting for the bryston to be built) but I have a pair of Cornwalls boxed up in the basement that I had used with 300B and KT88 amps. I am sure that curiosity with take over and I will eventually try them together. Just alot of effort to get those boxes upstairs unpacked and put in place just to find out they cleary do not work with Bryston. It sure would be loud enouph wouldn't it.