new refrence 3a mm de capo

I am very interested in this speaker but not any dealers in my area.Has anyone heard this speaker or bought a pair or upgraded to be tweeter and there thoughts after?
I had a pair of the De Capo iA's that were about 6 months old and I recently upgraded them to the new BE tweeter. The new tweets made a great speaker even better. I can't say enough good stuff about the De Capo. I am a very happy customer.
I recently purchased a new pair after a 3 week audition. Am running through a Berning zh270 amp with a Modwright Oppo 95 truthmod and a custom tube switch mode power supply bass booster designed by David Berning to augment the missing octave 5db at 35 hz and below, no sub required or desired! These speakers, with the right gear are better than they have any right to be for the price. The images can be life like in size and the pitch and timbre of voice and instruments is about as natural and musical as you'll hear out of a box speaker at any price in my experience. They resolve the space and harmonics in recordings to such a degree that the music comes alive, simply an amazing value and a must audition for anyone looking for a good monitor.
Don't know who the question is directed towards Ryriken but my advice, as it should be, listen for yourself and you decide. This is the only way to get a satisfying answer. I've never heard the TSMXE but have lived with the Merlin VSM-M, an older model, for 12 years. My opinion may not mirror yours or others. I will say this, the older Merlins are VERY fussy about what they are fed, much more so than I personally note with the DeCapos. One thing to consider with the Decapos that can't be overemphasized, the signal is fed directly from the amp to the driver for the lower/mid frequencies with a simple filter to the tweeter. IMHO this in no small way contributes to the most natural presentation of music when heard through these speakers. They absolutely grabbed my attention the first minute into listening to them in a rather modest system. This doesn't happen often, YMMV.
Tube grooves thanks for your info, it was ment for you. I own a pair of Merlin Tsmxe speakers and I love them, just wondering how they compare to the Decapo.