suggest an under $2000 amp to match 4ohm speakers

Hi Y'all,

I'm looking for suggestions for a used power amp under $2000 to power Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand speakers.

CURRENT STATUS: Mozart Grand speakers are 4 ohm, 90 dB. Current amp is a Linn Klassik integrated: I like this little integrated amp (with cd player) but it got too hot yesterday when I got to playing a record a little bit too loud. It gave me a bad taste of things to come. My phono preamp is Conrad Johnson PV10, recently bought used here.

PREFERENCES: Would prefer a power amp with balance control (and maybe treble/bass), as the listening room is awkward (crampbed man cave in basement). Would prefer a remote. Would prefer something that can be serviced in USA or southern Ontario, if need be.

LISTENING: I listen most intently to acoustic jazz on vinyl and cd; thus, I prefer maximum midrange warmth and depth for horns. Also listen to rock, hiphop, soul, classical, but less regularly.

BUDGET: Am working on a scholar's budget (plus two kids etc), so $2000 used or new is a true budget ceiling.

INITIAL THOUGHTS: I live in southeastern Michigan, so don't get to audition much used gear except in local audio salons with limited offerings. I'm thinking that Conrad Johnson used gear is probably a good match, but not sure about impedance load issues. Above all, I prefer "musicality" over "analytical" sound, as I want to sound like I'm listening to the music live and can hear the wood on the drums and woodwinds pianos (if that makes sense). Must avoid brightness above all.

Thanks for any thoughts.
I highly recommend the MF M6i integrated. It doesn't have the tone controls you are looking for but it's in your budget and frankly sounds incredible. It can handle your 4ohm speakers without a problem.
I heartily second the Belles. The 350A reference can be had for less than
$2000 used. Check out the Soundstage review of this amp. It is a perfect
match with both the CJ and 4 ohm speakers. I know because I have them!
My recommendation is to forget tone controls as a requirement, not because I'm an audio snob, but the output of treble/bass controls have overlaping frequencies. It's more effective to acoustically treat the room. Since it's a man-cave, use sound absorption and reflection.
Do nothing and keep what you have. If you're budget truly is tight, then spending $2k really is not a wise investment at this time. What you have works and works well so why change anything. True the Linn is being pushed to near its limits with the Mozarts, but it's not like it will self destruct. Is it really worth $2k to play a little bit louder?
It's not clear whether you're looking for an integrated or just an amp. If you need an amp, a Sunfire 300 is a hidden gem for less than $800. It sounds wonderful, has an unusual amount of warmth for solid state, handles low impedance speakers, and has power to spare. What more can you ask for? I've stopped looking for a better amp. They come on ebay regularly.