Magico S1

This speaker looks very interesting and reasonably priced for a Magico. Anyone heard it and willing to offer thoughts, opinions?
>> There are several speakers at that price range that beat
bigger magico in term of deep bass I think.

I think you mean “proportional” bass, not “deep” bass. It is about time audiophiles distinguish between boosted midbass and actual extension.
Give the fantastic JBL 1400 array a try. Lower grain, fabulous imaging, deeper bass, play louder. But, most importantly, music. Beautifully made. Gorgus
What are the speakers you compared with at 8-15k price range?
In addition to the Magico S1, I auditioned the Thiel CS3.7, B&W 802D, Verity Leonore, Sonus Faber Cremona M, Thiel CS2.7, and Aerial Acoustics 7T. I ended up buying the Sonus Faber (the CS3.7 was second choice) because I felt its midrange best captured the warmth and "feel" of live music (classical in particular).