Totem Dreamcatchers integrated amp, under $1000.

I'm in the market for an integrated amp for a pair of Totem DC's for under $1000. Has anyone had any experience with the Rotel RA-12 and DC's?, also considering NAD and the Rega BrioR. Problem with the Rega is that it'll put my over budget a bit by the time I get a DAC.

08-11-13: Bob_reynolds
Hi Johhny,

I don't consider preamp outs or speaker level connections sufficient for properly connecting a subwoofer to the majority of speakers and definitely not ones as bass deficient as the Dreamcatchers.

The Marantz PM8004 has both pre-outs and main-ins, so it should qualify by your criteria. The Peachtree just has pre-outs. A tape loop should be able to accomplish the same thing. I've seen such setups, allowing the tape monitor to put the sub into the loop.

Again, the abilities and limitations are partially defined by the subwoofer's I/Os. Some subs have high level speaker level inputs and outputs. Some of these run the signal through a high pass filter between the sub's speaker-level inputs and outputs. You connect the speaker cables from the amp to the sub's speaker-level inputs and connect the speaker-level outputs to the main speakers. This signal has been run through a high pass filter.

So if you want a high pass signal run to the Totems, how you can do it depends on the connectibility and crossover access of both the integrated amp and the subwoofer. It is true, however, that the trend in subs seems to be toward line-level I/Os; it seems like the speaker level inputs are getting phased out.

Also, the need to high pass to the DCs may be overrated. Even when small mains are run full-range, the addition of the sub changes the tonal balance, reducing the urge to turn things up. The increased bass energy also fills out the room better, taking the burden off the minimonitors to fill the room. Still, your point is well taken; the high pass filter would enable mini-monitors to play louder without bottoming out while the sub does the heavy lifting in the bottom octave or two.
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Bob: you're right about the tape loop. I've seen it in demo setups in audio stores, but in actual use you'd have to fiddle with the subwoofer's volume control every time you changed the master volume at the preanmp.

As for your second comment, ultimately it *can* be true, but that depends on the lower reach and dynamic capability of the L-R speakers AND the user's demands for volume and dynamic range. Why spend the extra money for external crossover and high pass filter if the user's listening needs don't demand it?

When Carl Marchisotto was making Alon speakers (before he moved on to Nola), he had a monitor speaker for which he created a subwoofer. He designed it so the monitors continued to run full range even when adding the subwoofer. It *can* be done, but it also depends on room size, the dynamics and frequency range of the mains, and the demands of the listener.

For example, if the L-R speakers have a sensitivity of 89 dB and make real music down to 50 Hz, the need for a high pass filter isn't the same as for a mini with 4" woofers, 84 dB sensitivity, and a 70 Hz cutoff point. The first example could get by without a high pass in most situations; the second one pretty much needs one except for small rooms playing small ensemble acoustic music.
Thanks for all the responses, lots to think about here. I've got to digest some of this info.
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