What speakers should I consider around $5000?

I'm ready to move on from my current system: Bryston 4BST, Proceed Pre, Revel Performa F30's and Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC. I'm planning to keep the DAC, and swap the Bryston and Proceed out for a decent integrated SS amp (just don't want to "do" tubes, even though I think they can sound great). I like the relatively deep bass of the Revels, but they can sound very bloated without VERY expensive cabling.

I recently heard the following speakers and enjoyed them, but wanted to get some feedback on these and suggestions for others in about the $5k retail price range. I'm open to a used speaker too. Here's the list: Martin Logan Theos, Von Gaylord VG-8, Salk Veracity HT2-TL, Wilson Audio Duette (yes, I know this is dramatically more expensive, but I liked the sound). Also, wondered about the new Revel F308s.

And another issue to consider is WAF....she's HATED the look of the Revels since I first got them 13 years ago. Something a bit less monolithic would be great.

As a separate but related question, I've previewed a Karan Acoustic KA i180 MkII and thought it was great, but if I go down that route, it'll limit my speaker budget to some degree.

I'm getting confused by all the options, so I thought I'd ask for some advice to get me some clarity.


Eventually with threads like this, every product on the market gets
recommended. So I will add my suggestions. :-) The KEF R series (R700
or R900) are at or below $5K and will be absolute imaging champs.That
UniQ driver is exceptional. Different sound from Revel, but equally
legit. KEF is on a roll.

You also might have a listen to the appropriate models from PSB and
Paradigm. The designs are a bit heavy on the bling, as the earlier Revels
were, so WAF might be a bust, but these are good companies with
decades of experience and serious engineering chops, just like Revel
and KEF.

One other would be the floorstanders in Dynaudio's Focus line. Very
handsome and great performers.
"Interestingly, I have listened to the Ayre K-5 with the Revel F-30's and the Ayre QB-9. It sounded terrific with relatively inexpensive cabling. VERY emotionally engaging. But, again, I really wish to simplify my life with a good integrated."

If you want an integrated with the level of SQ that K-5 has, it will probably cost a lot of money. I think it will be simpler just to stay with separates. You already tried the Ayre preamp and had great results with it. Not only that, it shows that you don't have to go with ultra expensive cables. That was the overall point I was trying to make in my previous post. Getting the preamp first will simplify you life.

"I had a Resolution Audio CD player prior to switching over to an exclusively digital front end. I did alot of side by side comparisons before I let go of my CD player. While it wasn't a clear cut victory, the digital front end was at least on par with most recordings......and that was before I got the Ayre DAC. I don't see myself going back to CD's."

I wasn't suggesting that you go back to CD's, only that you use the CD player to compare with your current digital front end. Just to make sure you have everything dialled in right. It looks like you were able to do this with the Resolution Audio. Its a great CD player. If you are getting that kind of performance with your DAC, your OK there as well.

If you still decide to get speakers first, some of the other posters recommended Vandersteen. I agree. That's my favorite speaker too. Be aware, though, they are more revealing than your current speakers. Whatever flaws you have upstream will definitely be brought out to a greater extent than your current speakers.
thanks again to all. It'll be interesting to see where this hunt ends up. I'll try to post occasional report from the "front lines" and let you know how things are developing. This is a really great community!
Im with Drubin on this. I also listened to Wilson duettes with tube integrated and ranked high of 24 demonstrated speakers, some 10k+ . I own the kef r900s and also liked the dyns but I found the kefs out performed the dyns to my ear. At least listen to a pair if possible before you decide if you can they list 5k. Best
I dont know where you are located, but the PSB Synchrony One speaker has consistently been a best buy and recommended by every reviewer. the are also available in most areas, and within your budget, so they will be easy to compare to whatever else the store sells. I own a pair, and they will be my last unless I hit the lottery. they simply do everthing you need a speaker to do, without breaking the bank. their new Imagine tower is also excellent, but in a smaller package.