Buying Fewer CD's & LP's Because of Pandora?

Now that you have Pandora, Rhapsody, Mog and Spotify and internet radio stations....are you buying fewer cd's and lp's than before?
I use Rhapsody to listen to entire albums. If I feel that I want to own the album at higher resolution, then I'll purchase the CD or LP. Rhapsody has definitely cut my CD/LP purchases at least by half.
Not for me... I'm actually buying *more* CDs than before listening to Pandora.

Pandora serves up artists I've never heard before. If I like them well enough, I buy a copy for closer listening.
I've started using Shazam to identify and tag tunes I am interested in when I hear them and then revisit tagged tunes later when I am in the mood to pick up some new music.
per rhanson, rockadanny, et. al., pandora did lure me into buying a disc for an artist i wanted to hear more of. since discovering mog, however, i have the ability to play full albums at near-cd quality, and i've gone from being a profligate cd buyer to buying very few.
In general Internet radio help to increase your horizons in music listening,
I listen different stations like BBC 3, and the French Paris station FIP that is amazing selection, so I discovered many artist trough this path them buy the CD on amazon, cause my system is very demanding with quality recording probbably my ears too.
Pandora sometimes on the gym and some surgeons playing in the OR while I give my anesthetics.