Blu Ray and external DAC's

Hello I was wondering if a ext DAC (for Redbook) would work on a Blu Ray player? My Blu Ray Player won't output Dolby Stereo and I was curious if adding a DAC would remedy this?

A DAC puts out an analog signal, Dolby Digital is, well, digital. It seems curious that your Bluray player will output Dolby Digital Stereo, does it have a Dolby Digital logo on the outside of the case? If so, it should support DD Multi-channel and Stereo.

What are you trying to accomplish?

Obviously, my last post should have read:
"...It seems curious that your Bluray player will NOT output Dolby Digital Stereo

The problem I am experiencing is the player can't be set to output stereo instead it outputs what the DVD or Blu Ray comes with. Most of the time its Dolby 5.1 and I only have 2 ch no HT. So its not the best for watching movies so I thought maybe a DAC might work?
