crackling sound out of right speaker

I am hearing a crackling noise coming from my right speaker.
I have done the following:
Swapped cables (from nordost to MIT)
Swapped left & right sides (left to right and right to left)
Swapped tubes in the amp
Still I have the same crackling sound when no music is playing on any inputs.
My system is:
B&W 802D
Nordost blue heaven speaker cables (all nordost interconnects)
VTL 2.5 preamp
Sonic Frontiers SFS 50
Any thoughts?
Did you check the tubes in your VTL 2.5 preamp? Or you have another preamp to try?
Audiolui, the OP swapped the L and R amp cables, therefore, if the pre was at fault, the problem would have transferred from the right to left speaker.
A few questions: Did you swap both your IC's and speaker cables? Also, do you hear the noise from just 1 driver or all of them? Lastly, does the noise change at all when you use your volume control?
Zd542 to answer your questions.
No I didn't swap IC's, just the speaker cables.
I believe that I hear it from both the midrange & tweeter.
I hear the noise both when I have the volume all the way down and when the volume is up, however it seems more pronounced when the volume is all the way down.