crackling sound out of right speaker

I am hearing a crackling noise coming from my right speaker.
I have done the following:
Swapped cables (from nordost to MIT)
Swapped left & right sides (left to right and right to left)
Swapped tubes in the amp
Still I have the same crackling sound when no music is playing on any inputs.
My system is:
B&W 802D
Nordost blue heaven speaker cables (all nordost interconnects)
VTL 2.5 preamp
Sonic Frontiers SFS 50
Any thoughts?
I have talked to the tech on the phone, I'd rather not him come to my house. I;m over it....
Best of luck to you with that. Please report back on if the problem has in fact been resolved.

Based on your earlier descriptions, something still seems fishy.
"Replaced input tubes in preamp and amp.
Although I did notice that the crackling did become less after changing input tubes in the amp."

With the system powered up and making the noise, very carefully move the tubes around in their sockets. Don't pull the tubes out, or even go up and down. Just move them a little bit from side to side. If the noise changes, that may indicate an issue with one of the sockets. If you have some contact cleaner, try that as well.