Best High Efficiency Speakers for full bass tone

Any thoughts on a pair of high efficiency speakers to use with vintage tube amp/analog set up/ in a room that is 32' deep by 20' wide to get full bass tone?

Right now I have a pair of Klipsch Forte II that just don't deliver on the low end as well as they do in a smaller room.
Smaller room they sound fantastic.

What really works in these bigger rooms? Looking for something with better bass detail than a pair of extra subs rumbling 60 hz and under.
I had a pair of Belle La Scala's and while they were loud, they really lacked detail.
Yeah, in a room that size I would agree with most here that you will need horns. K-horns are great, or you could go with some Altec A7's, or one of the newer types like the Avantgardes, etc., though those will set you back quite a bit more. Properly set up, you should have plenty of bass with any of them.
Zu Defintion 4s. My (overall) space is larger than yours. The bass is deep, tight, defined, and palpable.
Dear friends: I can read and see from your posts that everyone speaks of bass quantity and almost no one speaks about bass quality that IMHO is the first target in any audio system/room when we are talking about overall bass management.

Bass quantity is an easy task and IMHO serve for nothing with out the quality level. Perhaps no one of you already had the opportunity to hear an audio system where that bass quality management shines.

I heard through my audio years hundred of audio systems going from 5K dollars to 300K dollars and the ones that performs " so so " ( including the very very expensive ones. ) is because its bass management is " so so ". In the other side " humble " systems with first rate bass quality outperform easily audio systems with " bass quantity ".

I repeat: plenty of bass means nothing with out the right quality level. When we have that " plenty of bass " with a high quality bass level performance any audio system will shine as ever. You have to exdperience this " bass management " quality level. IMHO there is no single audio item we can add to our audio system that can gives us the improvement level as to have the right bass management.

Don't have to beleive me, just try it and if you are interested please re-read what I linked.

Just an opinion.

Regards and enjoy the music,