is an ortofon mc-3 turbo too light for traveler?

According to specs from ortofon and vpi, I get the following:

Resonance Calculator
Arm Effective Mass: 12.1 g
Cartridge Mass: 4.1 g
Fastener Mass: 2 g
* Compliance: 13 x 10-6 cm/dyne
Resonant Frequency: 10.34 Hz

This puts me in the desired 9 - 12 Hz res freq range without having to go crazy on the fastener weight. As you can see, the ortfon mc-3 turbo is a pretty light cart that tracks at 2 grams.

Hopefully this would be a good match. It sounds good on my Xpression III that has a 8.7 g arm effective mass. What does everyone think?
According to the Vinyl Engine Cartridge databaes, you are in the green. A great tool:

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