Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?

Having owned many good turntables in my audiophile life I am still wondering why not one of the modern designs of the last 20 years is able to beat the sound qualities of an EMT 927.
New designs may offer some advantages like multiple armboards, more than one motor or additional vibration measurements etc. but regarding the sound quality the EMT is unbeatable!
What is the real reason behind this as the machine is nearly 60 years old, including the pre-versions like the R-80?
.....And the guys with their Lencos, and the guys with their Micro-Seikis, .........on and on with the great discoveries of how great the old stuff was. Funny all the best sounding turntable makers who knew the most went out of business. Bad luck I guess.

Definitely the love of these old things with all their moving parts has nothing to do with that they allow the owner to rebuild them and become "one with them", that they are nostalgia inducing, and that they are often unobtainium. Silly of me to wonder that.
Yes, Tbg, I've only been designing in audio for 30 years, only tested (analytically and listening)about 150 turntables, only designed several dozen audio products, so I bet I would throw away everything I've learned upon having another Lenco!

Funny thing, for even the very worst products I've tested I've had people tell me that they are the absolute best they've ever heard.

If they make you happy, whether they be Lenco, Garrard, Thorens, Technics SP10, or others, fantastic. Pleasure is what it is all about. Even inanimate objects that have no function other than adornment (jewelry grade diamonds for instance) give folks pleasure. But posting that nothing has equaled a Lenco is really over the top.

Cool representation of a gone by era, surely.

Fun to own, definitely.

Emotional attachment after one finds one and fixes it up, unquestionably.

Lots of personal feelings and pheromones running around about it due to the above attachment, certainly.

And, enough noise to mask a lot of detail that the very best modern table and arm easily uncover? Bet your life on it.
Dear Omsed, So I know what you don't like. What DO you like among modern "state of the art" turntables? The breadth of your experience may exceed all of ours combined. I can say I prefer my very highly tweaked Lenco (only the original motor and platter remain from an L75) to a Nottingham Hyperspace and to my Jean Nantais Lenco. Both of those however were far superior to a SOTA Star Sapphire III. I have two other DD turntables that I prefer to my present Lenco, by small increments and for different reasons.
Please share your experience. I don't think your analogy between a 67 Camaro and a new Corvette is at all relevant to the discussion, by the way.
Omsed, had I your tastes I too might share your opinions. Evidently, however, I don't. I'm not about to get involved with your attempt at one-up-manship, but I have had 14 tt in my 47 years as an audiophile. The last before the Lenco was very modern, the Bergmann SIndre, which was bought because it greatly out-performed everything with which I compared it, including the Shindo.

I know what I hear and know you like what you hear. End of discussion for me.
Omsed, Do you have a preference for drive type or arm type? I'm curious about which modern top tables you do like.

Have you heard the Dobbins Beat, Wave Kinetics NVS, Rockport direct-drives, Walker, Basis, SME, Continuum, Kronos or TechDas? I'm sure there are others.