VPI Classic tweak

So I ordered a spare belt for my Classic One to have as a spare and when I got it I looked at the table and thought...Hmm why not try 2 belts? After a little research I did find a post on another forum from Mike at VPI who stated that a second belt should open things up a little bit and it did. A little bit more focus and imaging is what I observed. I found no discernible difference in platter speed. At 26 bucks it's a relatively cheap tweak plus the platter looks pretty cool with 2 belts.
I run with 4 belts on my GrooveMasters which utilize the HRX drive station from VPI GrooveMaster

Good Listening

Just a thought. I wonder if putting an extra belt on the platter/motor mount could prematurely wear the motor bearings because of extra tention on the drive shaft and bearings. I'm not sayin' ... just asking.