VPI Classic tweak

So I ordered a spare belt for my Classic One to have as a spare and when I got it I looked at the table and thought...Hmm why not try 2 belts? After a little research I did find a post on another forum from Mike at VPI who stated that a second belt should open things up a little bit and it did. A little bit more focus and imaging is what I observed. I found no discernible difference in platter speed. At 26 bucks it's a relatively cheap tweak plus the platter looks pretty cool with 2 belts.
It totally makes sense, if true, and would perfectly explain the speed difference among different pulley positions. However, I'm still unclear why using two belts would not result in a net speed that could be adjusted by the SDS since both belts would be subject to the same forces with each rotation.
The belts will be binding, one belt will try and turn the platter faster in each rotation than the other. Therefore one will have to slip. The belt with the most torque will probably win. Hard for me to visualize how this could be an improvement in sound.
I used to have a Scout turntable for which I bought a straight, non variable speed pulley, which was close to the diameter of the 33rpm portion of the stock Scout pulley. With the SDS I could adjust for correct speed and also switch between 33 and 45 rpm. I was also able to use multiple belts without the potential problem of varying belt speed rotation.
We all know the Harry is a marketing genius, you just confirmed it. My marketing course work rings a bell here, you know the classic 'repeat' on the shampoo bottle. I am sure Harry is planning belts in different colors, that will improve the sound. What's your color choice?