VPI 3D tonearm

Anyone using it yet?
Go to the ny times on the web, type in "3 D printer" in the search bar and it is the first url article (under a few url advertisements).
So one piece tonearm, made out of composite material, a traditional VPI uni-pivot. I would think the race, or female portion of the pivot, which is in the arm would have to be the traditional stainless steel, not composite. I am speculating here, but I should think if you turn the tonearm over there would be a stainless still receiver for the pointed uni-pivot on the base of the VPI arm. I can't wait to hear some reviews about that arm. I tend to tighten things quite a bit, I should think with a composite head, consideration should be made not to tighten the cartridge screws too much as to not damage the head.