VPI 3D tonearm

Anyone using it yet?
Yes, HW suggests using Peter Ledermann's EZ Mount cartridge hardware (start with the brass) so as to avoid cracking the headshell. Or, don't overtighten the headshell screws :)
Brass is good .... the 3D arm now comes with brass counterweight and side weights...also, there is a new base for it ..since damping is not needed and indeed not recommended, there is no cup for the damping fluid.
I believe I saw a picture of the brass side weights, maybe on VPI Facebook, the side weights looked very beefy, larger that the current JWM arms.
Wait until the reviews are in on this one.

Harry tries,and then dumps lots of "innovations ".
Rim drive, plastic platters, super platters, no anti-skate then anti-skate, etc.

Why is epoxy superior to aluminum or steel for an arm?
No damping is a mistake IMO. What is the effective mass? Too many???

His "only" demo did not compare the 3D to the JMW arm, "with the same cartridge", and as such was worthless!

Buyer beware!
Don....the difference between the 3D arm and others (aside from the increase in stability due to the brass fitments, is that the resonance signature is extremely low...(vanishingly low as was explained to me). All other arms of metal, wood, etc. have their resonances damped which really just moves the resonance signature to a different frequency. The 3D material self damps providing much less microscopical movements of the tube which affects the stylus in the groove. What Harry tried to demonstrate was that an inexpensive cartridge on a 3D arm can play in the neighborhood with a very expensive cartridge in a regular JMW arm (which is no slouch itself). I will get my 3D arm in a couple of weeks and will report what my take is on it. Harry said I will be so moved by the increase in performance "it will make me cry". One more point ....the upgraded JMW arms are wired with Nordost wire....I was told that the 3D arm is wired with a very new Discovery cable which is very much better than the Valhalla.