VPI 3D tonearm

Anyone using it yet?
Dear Halcro,
First, thanks for the advice, I am always looking to transcend my shortcomings and sometimes the best observations come from the most curious places. I could have worded my post better, no antagonism was intended.

This quote:
I have zero experience with VPI products or Harry Weisfeld and consequently have no opinion on them one way or the other.
puts your previous posts into proper perspective.
I run to the door every day, only to find jewelry, shoes, shirts, books, etc., that my wife bought. The arm is due any minute.........
Wc65mustang, Perhaps you should reveal what it is you have against Harry Weisfeld and VPI.
(Kidding, but could not resist.)
There's only so many ways someone can reinvent the wheel before people catch on. Spend your money anyway you want to but "Harry" is laughing all the way to the bank. Can you say Ka-Ching?