Change the cartridge or phono stage

I am new to turntable tweaks and would like to warm up the sound of my new MF 5.1 turntable and 2.2 phono stage .
Are there any advantages/disadvantages or circumstances that
would predicate changing the cartridge or phono stage ?
I would like to get to the level of EL-34 tube warmth .

Thank You
Do you have a scale and protractor? Proper set-up is more important than anything else.
What is your whole system? Most people don't get the "warmth" out of a table.
I assume you mean the Music Hall turntable? Try a Herbies mat. You're probably thinking that a mat can't make that much of a difference, but on that table it does. Much more warmth and bottom end, IMO. Herbies gives a 30-day money back, so there's minimum risk involved. Maybe a few bucks shipping at most.
TT mats DO INDEED make a difference.. I have used felt, Audioquest Sorbothane mat, the paper and cork Ringmat, they all do different things. The Ringmat was best for me.
Proper set up is paramount.. I have always had a professional do it for me but it can be done by yourself. changing tone-arm wire or the cable from your TT to your phono preamp can also effect changes. Changing the power cord to your preamp and power amp can make a change in the direction you want also. I have had great success with Cardas Golden Power cord, very warm, 3-D and inviting.