Scraping sound

I'm getting a scraping sound. This noise sounds like when the record is over & the stylus scratches the label. The scraping sound is most pronounced between cuts but can be heard underlying the music.

Where do I begin looking to fix this?

The setup: VPI Scoutmaster & arm with Soundsmith Zephyr

I don't know about the VPI arm, but mine needs a scale to set VTF. I have a weight so I can check the calibration.
Thank you for eradicating my ignorance. I hadn't seen a tonearm that requires a scale as the only means to set VTF. I guess I don't get out enough. I have seen and heard VPI tables and arms before; but didn't get into the details of their set-up. I agree then, it might be good to have a back up scale for verification if you do not have a means to calibrate your primary scale.
There are a few, but not many I think, that require a scale. You are correct, and I agree, that most tonearms I have seen have a built-in scale of some sort for adjusting VTF