Clear Day cables vs. Morrow Audio Cables


Has anyone compared the Clear Day double shotgun speaker cables to the Morrow Audio SP5 or SP6 speaker cables? I'm trying to get a sonic reference point between these two brands. Thanks
Lincnabby- are you using bare wires or mini spades for connections to the fisher. Im about to demo a set of pauls cables without any termination in a system with another restored vintage integrated....

I also use reality cables with my omega monitors and think they are truly splendid but due to the large size terminals i thought id try something else with this systems
Hey Kbuzz,
Paul made me a pair with the mini spades, and they fit the nickel screw connections perfectly on the back of my Fisher.

I'm guessing Paul could not do this with a demo pair, but I know that if you decided to buy he would terminate your pair with high quality silver plated mini spades- that's what he did for me.

Good luck!
Well, I have been using a set of Morrow SP2 for a couple years, and Paul sent me a set of Clear Day for comparison. There is no question, the Clear Day are better, i.e., more open, detailed, dynamic. I do understand that the SP2 is on the low end of Morrow, so I can't say how SP5 or SP6 would compare.
I recently bought Paul's shotgun cables and they are the best by far of any of the dozen or so I have tried.Compared to the Morrows they were very dynamic and open in every frequency.They will smooth out between 50 and 75 hours,so break them in before you judge.