Clear Day cables vs. Morrow Audio Cables


Has anyone compared the Clear Day double shotgun speaker cables to the Morrow Audio SP5 or SP6 speaker cables? I'm trying to get a sonic reference point between these two brands. Thanks
I don't have much to add here, but I will say I'm finding Morrow IC's to be very good, as well as at a reasonable price point.
I did a demo of the Clear day double shotguns against my current Acoustic Zen Satori's. They were both very similar in my system so I stuck with the the Satori's.
Paul at Clear day makes great cables at a fair price. He is by far the nicest person I have ever dealt with in the audio world. If more people were like Paul high-end audio would be doing much better than it is.
Both are good Cables. For Music its Clear Day Cable read my early post. However for HT with Large Speakers and Large 500 watt amps per channel I find the Morrow Audio controls the bass and mids correctly. For me morrow audio cables are perfect for HT environments but you need SP5 and above. The Thick Solid copper Core of morrow audio seems to work very well in driving large Speakers.

Lets not discredit Morrow Audio, There cables out-perform allot of Junk snake oil crap. Specially when a company is charging there cables more then a BMW car.

Lets be realistic, both are high performance cable when compared against others.

I find the cable industries as the biggest sharks in the Audio game. Very greedy and aggressive with bullshit that just baffles the crowds.
I applaud Clear Day, Morrow, and others for their quality products at fair prices. Spending more than 3-figures for audio cables is not necessary IMO.