Recommendation Speaker Cable around $1000-$2000

Need opinions from the pros here...Does anybody know speaker cables around 1k-2k with amazing sweet, transparent and detailed sound?

Cables are system's best to try to narrow your choices and listen to them in your system.
My system is VAC sigma 160i and BAT vk-60

speakers are Reference 3a and tannoy kensington.
If it were me, I wouldn't spend more than 2 times whatever the speakers cost on speaker cables. The only exception would be if you are going to bi wire externally (2 separate runs). Use the same pricing structure I list above about not spending more than 2x what the speakers cost, and just get 2 pairs.

To clarify: Speakers cost $1000, single run non-biwire no more than $2000, double biwire, single run cable x2 - $4000.
“Speakers cost $1000, single run non-biwire no more than $2000, double biwire, single run cable x2 - $4000.”

WOW, that shoots the old 10% rule, not just out the window, but into the stratosphere.

That’s your opinion, and it’s OK, but given a $5000 budget, I think it makes more sense to spend $4000 on the speakers and a $1000 on the cables.

With the Reference 3A’s, it seems like the best synergy would be to use their cable. I can’t help but think that some form of this is used for internal wiring. Using something else would definitely change the character of the sound, which could appeal to you. The only way to know is hear it in your system, but using 3A’s with their cable makes a good starting point.
mgaudio planus 2 which in my system smoked a kimber 3033. They now have a planus 3 which I have not tried but plan to.