Need a very neutral interconnect-

Need the most neutral cable I can get since I can change sonic sig through tube rolling- I was thinking of either the Kubala emotions or Purist 20th Anniv?? are either of these Neutral sounding- Or what else can you guys rec.- thanks so much

the Kubalas are great sounding but are on the warm musical side, never cared for the Purist.

The new Wireworld Platiniums are fantastic very neutral with excellent information retrival and no artificial detail great cables for the money, David Saltz the cables designer's reference is no cable at all in the system he tests specifically for loss and they creates geometries which minimize any loss through the cable.
If your definition of neutral means passing the most music signal with the
least amount of editorial influence, try the High Fidelity CT-1 cables.There
are three different levels and these cables are the epitome of natural and
realism.The Ocellia Silver Reference cable is also very natural and open
with a very subtle tonal warmth.The High Fidelity is in a strict sense a bit
more neutral.
Ditto AQ stuff...Diamonback XLRs, King Cobra RCAs...even an inexpensive solid core something to my secondary power amp...all bought used and sound fabulous. Your results may vary, but beware of opinions on this stuff...except mine of course.
I understand the question and the responses, but in reality, how could one ever know which cable is neutral? One takes a cable and inserts it in their system and it sounds "dark"compared to what we had, so we say that cable isn't neutral. But how do we know that the "dark" cable isn't passing the true sound and the one we thought was neutral was altering the signal to make it sound more... "neutral"? Yes, I know that Kubala and Cardas are generally thought of as warmer or darker-sounding than some others and will tame down a bright system somewhat. That said, my vote goes to Audience AU24 as a well-balanced and "neutral" cable. Near as I can figure.
Excellent point Chayro, that is why I said that "neutral is a very gray area, that means many things to many different people."

Most associate speed and resolution with neutrality, but I also feel that just as cables can add darkness, they also can add light, simply by attenuating frequency ranges either up or down. Whose to say what 'neutral' really is?