Coconut Audio $1.5 million power cord

"Coconut-Audio Artemis power 10m MASTERPIECE 98% discount! Euro plug immediate delivery!

retail price is $1,500,000
selling price is $25,000

Yes, that's right. The retail prices is $1.5 MILLION. My side hurts from laughing. HaHaHa.
"Phineas Taylor Barnum (July 5, 1810 – April 7, 1891) was an American showman, businessman, scam artist and entertainer, remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes and for founding the circus that became the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.[1]

Although Barnum was also an author, publisher, philanthropist, and for some time a politician, he said of himself, "I am a showman by profession...and all the gilding shall make nothing else of me,"[2] and his personal aims were "to put money in his own coffers."[3] Barnum is widely but erroneously credited with coining the phrase "There's a sucker born every minute."[4]"

Personally, I love a good circus!
I liked Barnums sign stating "This way to the Egress" where upon people would go that direction to a tent flap that led out of the circus and had to pay again to re-enter.

Seems he was a progenitor for modern bankers, politicians and CEOs.

All the best,
From what I read, BArnum led the good life yet had failed investments and financial troubles and eventually was elected to COngress.

So apparently his entertaining yet notorious antics did not pay off in the end and he decided to "serve the public".

Progenitor, indeed!
PT Barnum was smart enough to know a thing doesn't sell itself, no matter how great the thing is. That's why there's a circus barker. Step right this way, Ladies and Gentlemen, see the Greatest Show on Earth.
I just tried to place an order for 2 of them and they are now back ordered. Darn!

I sent an email asking if I pay in advance how long would it take for delivery?