Interconnect Cables for Pre-and Power amp

Hi, I’m searching for a pair of interconnect cables connection my pre-amp (Ayre K-1xe) and power-amps (Pass Labs XA30.5) – both Solid State. FYI, the speakers are a pair of Harbeth C7-es3.

Preferably, I’d get the Balanced interconnect cables to get the full potentials of these amps. What would you recommend for mid-end/used cables (brands, models, etc)? What’s the typical lengths of the cables – 1.5m or 2m?

My choices of music are mostly vocals, jazz, pop songs, symphony, chamber and some blues and rock(no heavy metal or other modern music types). I look for cables that deliver extended highs, natural/full-body mid-range and dynamic bass with excellent imaging and soundstages.

Thank you for your recommendations.
For small money, the Analysis Plus Solo crystal is really good because of his overall balance sound and neutrality. I tried a lot of cables. This one is the fairest for the price. To get better, you'll need a lot more money. The Analysis Plus range is quite relevant about that. The best one golden oval is way higher priced to get a greater sound.
I've got the Analysis Plus Oval Micro IC and like it very much with Bada Headphone amp and modded and tricked out Oppo 103.
Acoustic Zen Absolute Coppers fit your cable description. Last time I saw them used at $750, but they are absolutely worth it, IMO.