Speaker Cables for Soundlab's &/or Electrostatics

Presently, I'm using an approx. 5-year old Synergistic Research designed speaker cable for my Soundlab M1PX speakers.

I recently tried a pair of Kimber Bi-Focal XL cables and they improved upper frequencies and imaging enough, to consider upgrading my S/R cables.

I also tried Straight Wire's: “Expressivo”. At about half the cost of the Kimber’s, they were very, very close to them sonically.

A pair of Magnan Audio “Signature” Cables were also tried. I had read that these were found to be a good fit with either Soundlabs or electrostatics in general, but in my case (i.e., with my CAT amps.), they were quite unacceptable.

I've read that perhaps Soundlabs, but electrostatics in general, prefer cables with:

• low inductance
• low capacitance
• medium impedance

However, rarely are these specifications published, and when they are, I haven't a clue in this instance, what "low" and "medium" translates to, value wise?

In addition the S/R's that I own and what I have already auditioned, I'm looking for a starting place re. the vast assortment of speaker cables that are available -- i.e., I wonder what other cables I should audition?

What are you using with your Soundlabs &/or electrostatics?
You've already done almost everything you need to do. There's absolutely no substitute for an actual demo. So no matter what is recommended, I wouldn't go for it unless you actually listen to it. (Its very tempting to not demo when people say "if you like cable A, get cable B. Its just like it, but better.)

Wireworld would be a logical choice. Since you seem to like stranded cables, you may like Cardas as well.
Try Sanders Sound. They make e-stats and speaker cables that are designed for them. Their speaker cables are coaxial and have low inductance and low capacitance as well. They are reasonably priced and work well in my system.
Zd542 is right of course. This is the way to go. Every system, every room, every ones preferences and every ones ears are different.
Thanks Zd542 and Detlof: I certainly concur that auditioning all components -- let alone cables -- preferably in the room they will reside, is the best method of selection. But I was hoping to use folk’s recommendations to whittle the vast array of cables down to what they were having good luck with on their Soundlabs or stats.

There are very few cable brands available locally and while the Cable Company provides a great auditioning avenue, rather than throwing darts at their lending library database, I was hoping to find a dartboard with a little less randomness(grin).

Sarcher30: I appreciate the Sanders Sound suggestion. I see that you're using these on your Innersounds. BTW, while I enjoyed seeing your system -- especially the gorgeous birdseye maple plinth -- the GTO is spectacular!