Power Cables diminishing returns

I'm thinking of upgrading my PCs, but am wondering what the sweat spot is as far as price. The price point after which, you see diminishing returns. for example a $1000 is certainly not twice as good as a $500 cable.
I have also found that used power cords, especially "last years model", hold their value extremely well, maybe better than any other cable or component. I have never compared an over $1000 cord but like many that list for $600 - $800 and often sell used for less than half of list
The higher the price, the sweeter it is for the seller. The lower the price, the sweeter it is for the buyer.
I would think it has a bit to do with the price/value of the connected equipment.
A $20,000 amplifier might be well off with a pricier powercord than a $1,000 amplifier.

Personally I would stick to a simple percentage for wires. 10% is a nice number. And is what i have (considering all equipment costs compared to all wire costs excluding power conditioners.. With conditioners my cost hits 15% of system cost.

And for those screaming i am a shill for a particular powercord... note I never mentioned it even once here.. When I certainly could have.
Sweet spot is whatever VH or Pangea is priced at your comfort level.
You won't feel bad with a cheap ZU Birth either.
My practice with things like power cords that are difficult to audition is to get a general concensus from users and reviews, and buy the best one from that group that you can afford. In my case, it was Pangea. There Elizabeth...I said it!