Does Jeff Tweedy sound like Ray Davies?

Am I the only person that thinks that Jeff Tweedy's singing voice is very similar to Ray Davies'? My wife disagrees with me so we haven't spoken in weeks.
Not really, but I've always thought David Lowrey of Camper van and Cracker sounds like and sometimes writes a bit like Ray Davies. Anyone hear that?
I love Cracker and Camper (the new Camper album, "Roman Times," is great, BTW). I never heard the similarity in Lowery and Davies' voices, but I may have to listen more carefully. Their songwriting style is kinda similar, though. Both have a very wry, cracked view of the world, and that attitude comes through in their lyrics. One of my favorite Lowery lines comes from "Teenage Angst": "What we need now is another folksinger/Like I need a hole in my head." That always cracks me up, though he has a ton of other great lines, as well.
Thanks guys...

I love being right.

So much so that I actually signed up as a member. I know easy_e is going to love that! ha ha

On the same note... Personally I firmly believe that Nora Jones completely rips off Phoebe Snow... but my husband doesn't get it. I can't figure out why no one has picked up on that... other than the fact that nobody knows Phoebe Snow. So if you have any old Ms. Snow, break it out, take a listen. & tell me I'm right... xo
Welcome aboard, The_wife_factor,
We should all have wives (or husbands) that are so passionate about music...
Cheers, and rock on. Grab some Kinks SACD re-releases and stick it to him! I recommend "Sleepwalker". I can't get enough of it.
