20 Best Naxos Releases

Hello All:

Let me qualify a bit. Looking for an X-mas package for my father-in-law.

I'm not that well versed in classical- as you may note from my Agon moniker. I know he likes some Strauss and other upbeat type pieces.

I'm looking to find him about 15 to 20 cds. I am in Canada ( Vancouver ) so I need the international releases.

Please list what you think I should be buying in the Naxos line. Your thoughts are much appreciated.
Naxos has a huge catalog (well over 3,000 CDs) of all kinds of classical music, from all periods, for all kinds of groups, ensembles, instruments. You really need to provide more information before it will be possible to help you in a meaningful way. Suggest you find out from your father-in-law what kind of music he likes--what some of his favorites are. Or maybe you might consider a gift certificate enabling him to pick out his own recordings?
I agree w/ Rich. You can't miss w/ the Living Stereo re-issue/re-master hybrids. 30 titles from which to choose...something for everyone.
I will third Rich's recommendation of the RCA Living Stereos and raise the possibility of the recent remastered Mercury Living Presence CD/SACD's. My opinion is also that these will be better performances--more musically satisfying--than the Naxo's.
Robert Craft conducting Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" (on Naxos) is outstanding!