
In an ongoing exploration of various musical styles, I've run across Frank Zappa's Grand Wazoo. It's been a long time since I listened to Zappa, and I found the Grand Wazoo to be entertaining. What recommendations do you have for Zappa's works? What should be avoided?

As an aside, what album contains the line "help, I'm a rock..."?

Another vote for "Hot Rats" as the #1 "must have" Zappa record. Followed by "Joe's Garage".
"Joe's Garage" is a masterpiece in my book. The songs, the musicianship, the production, I'm always in the mood to hear it.
Thanks for the suggestions!! I also recall listening to Freak Out (repeatedly) as a kid on my brother's stereo (Couldn't recall the album name until remined by this thread).

As always, the best part of Audiogon (IMHO) are the threads about music.

There are so many I really couldn't pick just one. I guess if I had to pick one it would be UNCLE JOE'S GARAGE. Why because of the sound and it's length.