Everything Bach ever wrote

Is being played on BBC Radio Three between now and Xmas for those of you who would like to run your PC through your system you can listen live on the internet.


Personally I love most of Bach's work, I just hate his opera. Nothing personal, I hate everyone's opera.
Radio Three have organised a playing of Toccata and Fuge at as many churches round the UK as possible today, so I'm going to two recitals this afternoon!

Brownsfan - no problem!
Dmurfet et al., Despite all the talk here about the cantatas, the Bach work I would recommend here would be the B Minor Mass, one of Bach's greatest works (none of the unevenness and pedestrian level of inspiration that impairs many of the cantatas) and one of the greatest choral works ever written by anyone. It's hard for me to believe that anyone with ears and taste could listen to a good performance of this heaven-storming piece of music and remain unmoved.
I have the greatest respect for Bach, even on a bad day! Some of his sons weren't too shabby either. A chip off the old Bach? Sorry.
Bach Werke Verzeichnis = Register of Bach's works. This was compiled by W. Schmieder, therefore sometimes you hear Schmieder listing instead of BWV. They are equivalent.