Best Country/Rock - Poll

I recently started picking up more and more music I would loosely describe as "country/rock". A couple of recent purchases (namely Jackson Brown "Solo Acoustic", and Gene Clarke & Carla Olson "So Rebelious a Lover") caused me to look for a "Best Country/Rock" thread for more ideas. I couldn't find one, so I'm starting one here.

General guidelines
1) Don't hang up on what is country rock. If you think it is, ok.
2) Identify particularly well recorded , but don't leave anything off if it's good.
3) No limit or minimum - name your favorites.

Here are some of my my favorites in no particular order:
(* = excellent recording)

Gene Clark: "No Other" * and "White Lightening" *
Gene Clarke @ Carla Olson "So Rebelious a Lover"
Jackson Brown "Solo Acoustic" *
Willie Nelson "Stardust" SACD *
Neil Young "Prairie Wind" *
Cowboy Junkies - most all of their stuff, but especially "One Soul Now" , "Lay it Down" , "Mile From Our Home". "Trinity Sessions" *
I was wondering how far down I was going to have to go before somebody mentioned the early-mid 70's influences of the NRPS and even moreso The Dead. They are the closest definition of country rock I can think of. The Marshall Tucker band would also fall right in line.
As far as current day stuff, there is a band called Railroad Earth which is a country/bluegrass/rock band. These guys are GREAT both live and on their new live CD called ELKO, and the quality of the recording is definately worth the shot. I ran the whole disc through twice on Sunday after seeing them live on Sat. night. The disc sung like a bird on my 3 month old MBL/Tara Labs setup. Really sweet.
Gosh, tough to figure out what does or doesn't fit in the definition. But a couple I feel the need to include:

Chris Whitley -- "Living With the Law" and "Dirt Floor" are my favorites. Chris passed recently, and will be sorely missed.

Also, two local-type blues/country/folkey singer-songwriters I have to (and frequently do) recommend who are, for my money, among my all-time favorites, anytime, anywhere, any genre. Really. Danny Schmidt and Paul Curreri. No, you might not have heard of them and you won't find their stuff just anywhere. But all the details you need are on the sites and, I promise, well worth your time. (And there should be samples to listen to on both.)
I agree with jond, Gram Parsons. Also him with that, The Flying Burrito Brothers. Also The Byrd’s should be mentioned. For more current groups, I would say Uncle Tupelo, Wilco, and Son Volt.

That's a good start list! I must be a pretty big fan of this type, since I've got all of those. I think the more you listen to it, the "wider" your view becomes of what fits . . . which, of course, leads down more squirrel holes. That's the fun, I guess.

another from way back: cowboy, later performing as boyer and talton. around 72 or 73 I guess.
