concrete vs. wood listening room

Since concrete is "dead" would I still need spikes to control resonance? What would my optimum set up be?

Room...concrete floor covered with thick carpet. Concrete walls covered with sheet rock.

System...tsm/mm`s, AA prima mk1 int. amp, cdp (undecided), wires (undecided).


As Newbee says plus you are decoupling the speaker from the floor other wise the floor itsle f beomes in a sense part of the cabinet.if room is alive even with sheet ros\ck you can find that certain speakers sound beter than other in the enviorment.Martin Logan come to mind as a speaker that sounds better in live room.Check out say ASC or other roomm treatment sites.Just saw nice one in Music Direct
catalogue for treaments near speakers,corners etc.You can ad carpet to floor but experiment it may sound better being used BEHIND stereo.Since sound is like light wavees you can with a big mirror or roll out mylar see where sound will bounce off side walls and where sonnex or other sound absorbing m,aterial can be applied (think I read that in Robert Hartley (editor of Stereophile) top see where pretty narrow strip of absorptive ,materioal can be applied so when they bounce of the side note it won't collide with beginning of next not or tail of last note.This is called standing wave effect and happens when note hit 90 degree suirface even inside speaker cabinet (why many are oval or spherical).Sounds like basement so look aren't so importanmt as sound and uyou could put in bass trap if closet present 9again in Hartley book) apply treatmentts to walls., use acoustic pillows for corners or use flat reflectors or spherical tube traps.All depends on what sounds good and budget will allow.If in lving room more compromises need to be made for where speakers are put rugs and drapes need to suffice for better sound materials etc.Remember rule of thuimb is 50% of sound is the room the other half your rig so this stuff isn't as anal ass I might sound at first.In future more and more speaker companies will use technology like NHT used to get tiny Xd sub sat system.Know a guy who built his won speakers and there $3,600 pre/processor (speakers and room).The reasoin that little system sounded so big and so good is DEQX conveted al signals not just CD into digital and optomized everything to not only process for room buit to make the small drivers,cabinets etc work to sound their optimal best.I predict as well as more and more powerr amps go digital and finally sound good compared to first generations thprocessing will companensate for what must now be done with materials.But for today bring your rig in and try to do as many styring searches about room corrections you can here and
G'luck make it fun
Thanks Newbee and chazzbo. Yes, I`ll play with room treatments when the time comes. My primary concern is the non dissipation of excess energy and the resulting sound and the best ways to deal with this issue.
I suspect spikes/no spikes will be the least of your worries...a concrete room is going to sound very different from what you are used to hearing with a wood stud/sheetrock arrangement; room modes at LF will be much stronger. Concrete may be "dead" but it reflects the acoustic energy all to well.
Here is an argument for wood:

Also look at his page on room acoustics.
Hi Pardales,

We`ve exchanged e-mails in the past where you gave me excellent advice on purchasing used, modded electronics. I`d concider panneling the listening room even tho it`s a rental.

My primary concern is that speakers on spikes and electronics on spiked platforms would not be able to dissipate excess energy enough when coupled to a concrete deck. Moving is not an option as I`m tied in with a lease. Any ideas?
