1st, most memorable recording...

In your introduction to high end audio, is their a rock song, ballad, jazz piece, etc. that really knocked your socks off and prompted you to get into the hobby?

In 1990, a buddy had me over to listen to his rig consisting of, merlin sig. 4`s, tandburg amp/pre and denon cdp.

The first piece he played was "Bolero" by the Philadelphia Orchestra. That particular arrangement, on that particular system blew me away and was my introduction into high end audio.

It`s still one of my favorite pieces.

Just wondering if any of you have had a similar experience.
In 1967 my Dad had a Laffayette(sp?) integrated amp, Fisher tuner, Sony r2r and a Garrard turntable with Heathkit speakers he built himself. When my folks were out of the house I ruled the system. I don't know about the system but when I put on a recently purchased(1967) sound track called Casino Royale I realised that not all LPs were created equal. That LP blew me away with it's crisp sound. The journey had begun...
45 of Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini when I was 5. My grandparents also gave me their multi 45 copy of Ravel's Mother Goose Suite. The Pavane section scared the crap out of me. That theme still haunts me to this day. Oh the above heard at that time in 1963 on my grandfather's heathkit pre amp into a 10 watt monoblock tube amp into a large Wharfdale cabinet that had a 15, a 12 a 10 and several tweeters firing upwards. State of the art mono set up for the time.
Absolutely no problem with this question...'Hotel California' played on the old Koss electrostatics (speakers, that is) and custom amplification by Roger Modjeski, who was working at the store as a tech at the time. Naturally, they also had one of the very first pair of Beveridges as well!