Difficult Sopranos

Perhaps I am not using the correct term, but when I bring my opera cd's to audition a "high end" showroom I have yet to come across a system where the soprano, when singing, say "questa reggia" from turandot, doesnt eventually come to a part where the sound just beams and drills into my ears. Have listened to Meridian, Arcam Rega, Musical Fidelity Cd players with assortments of speakers, SACD, amps in sound treated rooms. I am the first to admit I havent heard a great many systems, - but if I knew there was a cure for this, I would be encouraged to continue to look and audition systems. For now, I am enjoying a "no dramatic soprano zone" with the Musical Fidelity A5 /Vandersteen 2Ce sigs and Rotel 1080 amp. So tell me opera fans- has anyone tamed the dramatic soprano?
With no intention of causing too much of a stir, this may also be hard clipping, which is how digital recordings handle distortion overloads as opposed to soft clipping which is a little more natural and ear-friendly which is found in anolog playbacks of hot signals.
Then again, it may well be that even in the concert hall itself, that a given Soprano, on any given night, might just enter dramtic piercing levels which no sliders on the sound board are going to stop. When you're hot, you're hot.
The problem Is not caused by the cd or any cd for that matter, the fault lies with a systems inability to play music. Avoid any lo-fi system (masquerading as hi-fi) that makes vocals sibilant or harsh. A good set-up will make you forget instantly the equipment a cd is being played on, thereby allowing you to be engrossed totally in the music you are hearing.
I would say Junior is the most difficult of all the Sopranos with Tony a close second.