Steely Dan's "Two Against Nature" on vinyl?

Was "Two Against Nature" ever released on vinyl? Am I searching in vain, or did I somehow just miss it? If it's never been available, is there any reason to believe that it one day will be? Thanks.

thanks for the input, not to dish on this disc, I'm going by what other's said not actually listening to this disc
would love to hear something with less digititis

being that Steely Dan are such perfectionists their digital masters cut to standards that even a vinyl master from that would sound good

I have issues with the cd master, the dvd-a is slightly better

West of Hollywood is far too bright/shrill on the snare drum. I recall Roger Nichols needing to fix the master (see note below (gotta love google)
I thought Becker and Fagen had lost the top end of their hearing based on the mix

see Nichols story on this
The vinyl does sound good even though it was sourced from a CD. To my ears, it sounds better than the original CD release. I'm glad I have a copy of it. I was aware of the lineage when I bought it upon the initial release. I
recommend its' purchase if you happen upon a copy. There may never be an official LP release.

Well I never knew my LP was a fake(!!)
Now I'll have to go out and buy the CD(horrors!) to get the real thing