Which artists' music do you buy without audition

We all have our favorite artists and often have large collections of music by them. Name some who when a new cd or vinyl comes out you will buy without hesitation, audition or others' opinions.

Emmylou Harris is one of those for me.
I probably have all of those listed by Audiofeil, and I refer to his list solely because it includes Bob Dylan ... I grew up with Dylan and still, to this day, enjoy hearing his music .... maybe everyone does ... I don't know

In the '60s I bought my first Coltrane albums ... today I still have Coltrane and a lot of others ...
I will second Richard Thomopson. I would also like to add James McMurphy and Steave Earle.
Son Volt
Jay Farrar
Richmond Fontaine
Steven R. Smith
J. Tillman
I find it funny that Steely Dan is listed so many times here. Like they release albums so often that you would need to listen to 'em first to make sure they didn't release a dirt-rock album ala Nickelback or something.
Jaybo...you've never EVER just listened to a cd in the store or previewed an album online before you bought it? How in the hell do you discover new music? Do you walk around the record store and just blindly buy albums with the shiniest covers?