Best sounding cd in your collection

What is your best sounding cd for reference.Pick 3.(1)..voices(male/female)(2)..soundstage/imiaging.(3)..Bass/treble
sorry...hadn't read your whole question...I think vocals, sound stage, instrumentation, bass ... the whole recording not to mention that it is great music (songs by Tom Waits, Stones, traditional spirituals, hymns, and folk) make Sprit of the Century something you should at least check out if not buy immediately without hesitation.
Ghosthouse, Yeah I agree. Also Tom Waits Heart Attack and Vine is a good CD recording.
Shadorne - thanks for the tip...I actually don't own any Tom Waits. Used to hang with my cousin and listened to him there. Should probably pick up something by him...(haven't seen cousin in a while - that's another story) but remember listening to a cut called "Murder in the Red Barn"...pretty spooky. Heart Attack and Vine reminds me of a line from a Shawn Colvin song..."Suicide Alley" on A Few Small Repairs. "You know I wasn't born I was spat out at a wall/And nobody even knew my name/The sun hatched me out, cradle and all/On the corner of First and Insane." Great music and very good sounding CD too. If you don't own it, might be something to pick up.
Duke Ellington's Blues in Orbit. Some of the remastered late 50's stuff is incredible. Recorded live music with no overdubs, etc.