Frisell/Krauss subliminal Pink Floyd Tribute ??

I have been enjoying listening to the Viktor Krauss album Far From Enough for the last week or so but something was triggering a electron in the memory bank that may have been lost or just possibly hadn't been excited for a while. I kept wondering, 'what does the song Grit Lap remind me of ?'

Well I listened again today, but this time with my headphones, and it finally came to me. Grit Lap is a little Frisell/Krauss tribute to Pink Floyd and David Gilmore. I can hear both Shine On You Crazy Diamond and Echo's.

Anyone else hear these references or am I just dreaming?
Listening to this album again and love it. If there are any Frisell fans that missed this one because it is listed as a Viktor Krauss disc you need to check it out. It is called FAR FROM ENOUGH.
Olson Jr. I gave it a listen with your thoughts in mind, and though I can hear the similarities you mention, my guess is that it is probably not intentional, but who knows? I really like Frisell's work. Another of his that is a bit similar to this is "Gone, Just Like a Train" also with Krauss and with Jim Keltner on drums. A bit more Americanna thrown in on that one. Yours was an interesting observation.

MnMark, I have really gotten into Frisells music in the last couple of years. Enjoy both Gone Like a Train and Good Dog Happy Man. Would love to see him live, have you?

I always seem to hear other songs or snipits of other songs im music. Sometimes I can get my wife to listen but she only agrees with me half the time.

Right now I am listening to Becks Sea Change, Already Dead and I hear Traffic's and Nick Drake influences???
Olson jr, Yes, I did see Frisell about a year ago at a small local venue. He was great to listen to live, and did some songs that I haven't heard him play before. He did I think 3 Dylan songs (maybe due to local interest), and it was fun to try to recognize the song before it became obvious. He had a small electronic floor console of some kind and was always fiddling with it with his foot as he played, recording loops and playing them back on the fly. Imagine two Frisells playing at once! The soundstage on the West disk of his East West album is the deepest, strangest, most layered that I have ever heard. You have to listen to it. I also like Sea Change, Drake, and Traffic. I'll check it out.