Uptempo "Say It" Roots Rocker in 2/4

Hello All,
Ok, I'm at the gym last night and I hear a song on their in house system. I went to the front desk just as the song was ending and asked the staff if the music was via Cable or if it was from "corporate". I knew it wasn't radio because they never have a DJ or commercials. She said they were Mp3's that they get from corporate. She gave me a look that said, "Why are you asking, are you some kind of music geek or something?" "Why yes I am, thanks for asking" ....hehe. Anyway, I'm looking for help in finding out who it was. I went to www.allmusic.com (my favorite resource for looking up artists) and I came up with over 100 hits when I entered certain song titles. I don't know the name of the song, but if the chorus is an indicator, the title is either, "Say It", or "Say you love me".
The song is an up-tempo "roots rock" style. 2 guitars, bass & drums ..... maybe a little piano filler. It's in 2/4 time. Male voice, deep and rich but not "gravelly". The opening verse has wording about "waking up, bad breath, bad teeth", also the closing 20 seconds he is shout/singing "Say It, Say It". The lyrics are quirky and offbeat in the style of Warren Zevon.
Please help this obsessive/compulsive proud music geek :)

Tgyeti ..... just tgyeti.
Geek on Brother!

Sorry I can't help with the song, but I did want to show my support to you and all of the other music geeks out there.

Rock On! And enjoy,

Good call winoguy..... You beat me to it. A great record. You might want to check out the one before "Houston Kid" it's even better.
