Todays vinyl packaging observations

I have been buying nothing but new releases on vinyl the past year. If it's not released on vinyl I'm not buying it. There are a few releases I'm still waiting for the vinyl release, but fortunately most artist i enjoy are putting their new stuff out; at least in limited number's, on LP.

Flipping through my collection last night it struck me how much better the packaging is with the new releases when comparing them to my aged late 70 early 80's collection.

Most vinyl that i buy today is 180 or 200 gram pressings and the cover art and posters that are included are outstanding heavyweight prints. Where as my older stuff is very lightweight pressings with the sleeves and extras printed on what seems like lower quality paper.

Granted there is some stuff in my aged collection that is impressive art wise. Like most of my Jethro Tull or Alice Cooper records, but artist today seem to be constantly releasing LP packages of outstanding quality.

As for the actual sound of the music; which in the grand scheme of things is all that really matters anyway, i can't hear much difference... It's all good!

Any thoughts on why the change in quality and what it might do for the value of todays releases in the future?

There are some artists that don't release on vinyl. That is a choice they or some record producer made. I will be purchasing a high end CD player so I can listen to those artists only. This will be about my twentieth player, or combo dac and transport. I will listen to CD's on it for a couple of months, then I will hate it. Then I will sell it.
Try can type in music artists and songs you like, they then play you songs they feel you will like based on your input, this will help anyone discover new music they may not have ever been aware of.
Even stuff on Kill Rock Stars isn't coming out on vinyl or if it is much later. I wanted the Marnie Stern album but it's only on cd now. I don't believe the last Built To Spill album came out on vinyl. I heard a rumour that the whole batch was defective and they've now scrapped plans to even release it since they've already started on their next album. One of my favorite ambient artists Pete Namlook hasn't released any vinyl in ages. Not all underground/indie stuff gets a vinyl pressing.
This is a tough one as I certainly struggle with this issue myself. I have been into vinyl for almost a year and think I have only bought a couple of CDs in that time because I enjoy LPs so much more. I have even duplicated many of my CDs with LPs but I do agree that in the end it is about the music and there is a lot of good stuff that can't be had on LP. CDs are a necessary evil.
The Quality in packaging is probably because at the price they are charging for 180 and 200 gram pressings they can afford to get a little upscale. Also remember most people buy the CD equal so they have too get people to buy Vinyl. I have always enjoyed vinyl album covers,it's like the difference of looking at something on the silver screen as opposed to t.v.
I used to buy 120 gram vinyl back in the day for 3.99 and if it was warped,scratched or skipped I returned it for a new one. I still have them too.
Now watch someone will come on and say they used to buy vinyl for 1.99 and ruin my whole stroll down memory lane.