Anyone going to see the Police?

The prices for decent seats at some of these shows is staggering. That said, I cannot miss them, they are one of my favorite bands of all time. It was really good seeing them play together at the Grammy's. Anyway, just thought I'd see what everyone thought of the tour.
In the summer of '82 you couldn't swing a dead cat at a radio dial without hearing something off Syncronicity. There was a never a more over-hyped song than Ring Around Your Finger. Even though I was only 13 at the time, to this day I can't stand the Police.
I was in the Tickemaster system within 5 seconds of tix going on sale Monday for the Los Angeles Staples Center show. I had my " 2 best available" selection (at up to $260 face value) and password submitted within 30 seconds, only to have "no tickets match your search criteria" warning come up for the 19,000+ seat Staples Center.

To hell with Ticketmaster and any act that uses them. I'm done with live arena shows.

Come to think of it, I haven't played a Police record in over 15 years. I guess I'm not missing much.

BTW, I agree the Grammy performance was flat and uninspired (although local LA critics fawned all over it).

But, I'm not bitter...much.

First, keep posting; your comments are to be watched for.

Now, the same thing happened to me. I promised my wife that I would get her tickets to a local 'So, you think you can dance' production with several of the Network's most famous stars.

I got into Ticketmaster and 9:58, no too early.

At 9:59, no too early

10:00, YES tickets available! I submitted the same 'best available' and, while my really slow dial-up connection connection processed the order...all of the high-speed DSL folks got their tickets and I was SOL.

I got myself DSL early the next week.

Oh, I paid premium after-market for the tickets as I did promise my wife..........

ps.,,Really who does listen to the Police nowadaze?
Count me as one person who still listens to the Police. GITM is a timeless record that sounds as good today as it did 20+ years ago. I have the box set and listen to it frequently... disc #3 is one of the greatest collections of songs I've ever heard.

If you're not a fan why are you wasting time posting in this thread?
I'm a fan, otherwise I wouldn't have attempted to buy tix.

I'm a fan of quite a few bands whose records or CDs don't get played very often in my home.

There was a time a couple years back when at least one of Sting's solo efforts was being played nearly every day. I saw Sting solo in the late 80s. He played many Police songs arranged much more closely to the original Police performances than the versions he performs today. Incredible show. I've seen him twice.

Stewart Copeland is one of my all time favorite rock drummers, and is still going strong with his composing.

Yep. I'm a fan, which is why it was disappointing to miss out on tickets.