Live Earth 7/7/07 gentlemen start your tivo

here's the lineup for live earth showing saturday
7/7/07 - planets aligned
msn bravo etc

Police reunion, Dave Matthews and many others
has the potential to outdo Live 8

check here saturday for listings
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiotomb
Scientists are not, I repeat NOT in in overwhelming agreement about global warming. In fact it is split about 50%-50%. I just heard a clip on the radio yesterday about core samples they took from Greenland and discovered bugs and things in the ice cap from the last "global warming period". There is confirmed scientific fact that all the planets in the solar system have warmed up the same amount as the earth has due to increased solar activity. 1970 it was global cooling on the front cover of TIME magazine and the coming ice age. I am in Minnesota, and 10,000 years ago we were a mile thick glacier. Did man do that too? Dupes. Read a book or two that refutes global warming before "making" your decision. This is just socialism advocating it's cause.

You are confused, making a simple category mistake. The relevant distinction is not between theory and fact, but between truth evaluable a proposition and a policy. Eugenics is a policy, like integration and space exploration. Global warming is a proposition: that the Earth is warming at a potentially dangerous rate due to human caused factors like dramatically increased carbon emissions. That claim may be true or false. Eugeneics is neither true nor false; it is either going on or not.

There is no theory/fact dichotomy. It may be your theories that there are three beers in your fridge and Oswald acted alone. Either may be true, either may be false. If they are true, they are facts, despite being theories. Einstein's special relativity theory is a theory, which may be true, and state facts. The theory of evolution is also a theory, and damn near every working biological scientist holds it. "Creationism" is also a theory, which almost no biologists respected outside of religious communitiies accepts. They are both theories. At most one states a fact. But it is no criticism of a claim to call it a theory, since even the best, most confirmed, useful, universally accepted theories are still theories --which may or may not be facts.

Global warming is either a fact or not, but it is a very widely held theory by independent and unbiased -- i.e., not in oil companies pockets-- scientists. But it is certainly a theory. Eugenics is noit a theory or a fact, and it is not anymore much practiced by humans on humans.

Zilla-- I am no expert on whether Glogal warming is actually occuring and alarming and all that. Indeed, I've been skeptical for a long time. But the evidence based on deep core ice samples from Antarctica Gore presents in the first half hour of his documentary is pretty compelling, going back way longer than the whole series of relative local coolings and warmings that have occurred since Homo Sapiens first appeared. If his evidence is at all good, whether or not we are causing these changes, we have never been around for anything like them. It has been consistent through all of this time that those making profits never accepted claims that they were doing so at the cost of the general good.

The resonance"deniers" makes with holocaust discourse is not unintentional; the cases are not identical, but that doesn't mean the resonances shouldn't be pointed up. Al Goreis no socialist(at least not in any sense in which a vast majority of Americans are not). And "socialist" is no epithetor anything like a univocal "cause". It represents a wide range of policy options recognizing the fact that private ownership of the means of productiion is not in all cases conducive to the public weal or justice. Free market uber alles is an unsubtle "doctrine", dead everywhere, and understandably, its advocates are defensive.
I wonder how much energy was used to put these amplified concerts with extreme light shows including huge video screens around the world??

As the younger generation goes back to all the luxury's of modern life...

Let the other guy conserve, is that right Al Gore ???

While you may think I'm confused, I think you are incorrect.

I appreciate the difference between policy and theory. Eugenics, as espoused in the early 2oth century, was both. The THEORY was that selective breeding could produce progressively superior human stock. Every undesirable trait in humans could be bred out, desirable traits bred in. The POLICY was, well, the justification for involuntary sterilization and later the genocide of homosexuals, gypsys, the mentally ill, and ultimately, Jews of any description whatsoever.

Disagree with me on that if you will, I respect that.

What I find offensive however, is this statement of yours:

"The resonance"deniers" makes with holocaust discourse is not unintentional; the cases are not identical, but that doesn't mean the resonances shouldn't be pointed up".

At the risk of sounding rude, I have to ask you if you have any idea what you're talking about?

There is absolutely no relevance between the two issues, and if you find any resonances whatsoever you need to learn considerably more about the Holocaust. The fact that you make the comparison intentionally is stunning, and franky proves my point regarding the near religious zealotry of this movement. To equate people like me with those who deny the Holocaust is arrogant and insensitive.

You are falling in with a dangerous lot: people who question the morals and intelligence of anyone who doesn't believe as they do.

I'm neither immoral or unintelligent: I am a believer that the human contribution to global warming is MUCH less than many scientists currently believe it is.

Nothing more, nothing less.
I heard Al Gore's son just got a speeding ticket doing 100 miles per hour in a Preus Hybrid