Live Earth 7/7/07 gentlemen start your tivo

here's the lineup for live earth showing saturday
7/7/07 - planets aligned
msn bravo etc

Police reunion, Dave Matthews and many others
has the potential to outdo Live 8

check here saturday for listings
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiotomb
Wow, if Al Gore's son is a speeding stoner this global warming stuff has gotta be a sick hoax by Al and his scummy scientist & Hollywood friends. Glad we've got nothing to worry about now that we know the truth about these vermin.
It doesn't matter what Al Gore III did. As long as he believes mankind is the cause of planetary climate change he can still worship at the altar of this movement. All will be forgiven.

Oh, and don't forget- anything you do is not your fault anymore just claim you have a disease and you're going to celebrity rehab!

Too bad Al and Tipper's earlier cause- record content warning labels- wasn't quite enough to keep little AGIII on the straight and narrow.
It is my understanding that most folks ( scientist, politicians, joe-sixers) believe that there is global warming. However, the dispute is over the causes of this. And on that point there is absolutely no consensus no matter what anyone tells you. Oh, there are groups all around that just know their theory is correct.

It is interesting that Mr. Gore refuses to debate this with anyone, going so far as to insist that there is no one with a dissenting opinion allowed to speak at any of his appearances. He has been challenged several times on his "scientific evidence", even by those who do believe humans are responsible. No proof in that, just very interesting.

Personally, I'm never going to take any of these activists seriously until they address the REAL culprit behind this global warming trend!

BOVINE FLATULENCE! That's right folks. Cattle are killing us. You don't believe me? Well, have you ever walked up to a group of cows and noticed their reaction. Everyone of them will turn and stare at you with that blank expression. When I look in their eyes I can just feel the hatred and lust for revenge for all these centuries of man feasting on their kind. I tell you they won't be happy until we're the ones roasting on a spit.

But I suppose that "Concert to End Bovine Flatulence" just doesn't have the same ring to it as "Concert for Climate in Crisis".

Now that is one of the only threads I feel very comfortable calling a bunch of BullS**t.