Where were you the day the music died?-Buddy Holly

Gonners over 60 years of age.

I remember what I was doing when I heard JFK was shot.

Not to put my musical question on the same level, but can you remember what you were doing when Buddy Holly was reported as having died?

I was looking at a Rek O Kut 12 inch recording lathe in the front window of Joe Franecki's appliance store at 13'th street in Milwaukee. I needed it so I could cut records of the weddings I recorded for $25 on a Saturday morning. {I was in High school and needed to feed my audio hobby.} I thought it was just another accident.

Tonight I'm listening to Don McLean-American Pie.-- Memories last.

Thanks for your posting, Ken

Albertporter, better than be spotted last weekend while perpetrating an armed robbery of sports memorabilia..."what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"...for a 10-20 prison stretch!
You guys are right, what happens in Vegas DOSEN'T say in Vegas.

CES will be in Las Vegas in January, I'll wager much of what happens there will be posted all over the internet :^).
For those of you that are younger - where/what were you when Buddy Holly died? Audiotomb's answer is incorrect.
I am 59 now so I was young but have an older brother who played Buddy Holly all the time - especially Peggy Sue and Rave On and That'll Be The Day and True Love Ways. I loved Buddy Holly then and still do. Memories rush back with every hearing. It seemed like a less complicated time. Like Gammajo, one of the things I am appreciative of is the early music exposure that my 6 year older brother made possible.